every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the everyyear is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is thesame is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same is the every year is the same
Forty-five* (many) things are wrong tonight
The clouds are as thoughtful as I am after you get up off me
The expiration date on my indulgences just was, man
The teeth of whatever protects me have fallen-out
Soon we'll have no smile
Let's make execution, isolation, immancipation, your wife
Let's put her on a mattress floating in a river so polluted so it's worn out its name She's autographing the moon like mad, like it won't cost anyone anything
Let's make you marry her every day, over and over again
Let's see you wash those dishes in love, in self-effacing suds
Let's watch her whisk up a small bowl of sorrow
Watch her place the ghosts of my caresses into little plastic bags, litt
le paper sacks, little fleshy hands
Watch her use her cell phone and change a tampon at once
Watch her devour this stupid camera with fork and knife
Watch her like your rabbit's foot
See now how even imagination should take its vitamins: taurine, strychnine, blackredandgreen
See a little knife is the same as a big knife
See her chop me off like a haircut, waiting out in the garage to be swept-up (by that mutefaced maid)
See inside her garbage --at least her secrecy
The heart is a jellyfish that should be painted and shined like a used --pre-ow
ned-- car
The heart is the monster in something as simple as a toothbrush, why haven't you gotten rid of your electric one
The heart is a radish made of pure distances: even a stovetop, tho
ugh radial, concentric, will not tether anyone together
The heart is a forest ranger with herpes, all was forgiven
The heart is the last fortune cookie on the plate
It says darkness, hopelessness, dying, is still nature
(these are things i will never enjoy)