nNow look at what you jus saw tThis is what u live for

xXnowhere but hereXx on aging (in the 2thousands): (one) settle down, self-inspect, conceive abstract thing worked out a "frame" for mmself (like in linguistics) (two) figure out what y'am for; give up, then settled with discovering why i put one foot in front the other (third) get cozy with the above, vampd for a long time —relative term— and wont forget to get excited ( that means getting into both the ups aAAAND downs ) (four) the ups and downs of familys and friends and even the people i dont know (ehhh) because that seems important seeing as how we all just randomly awake in one environment or another and then that's where we begin and then that'll determine whohow we are to my friends: whoacaine hanscho: some weird stuff regarding self importance everybody else: snakebro goes mexico -=-==who will survive in america! i wonder what this will be like in one year, two years, five years?==-=- 'aaaaaaaaaaaaasssccsssaaaa' the wind tries to say on the big out of placed willow sitting out front inside its sidewalk-cropped bed of damp n dark soil 'go to columbia law school' i think thats what it said last time i walked by, mothrfck iend theme musici

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