we want our film to be beautiful not re-a-lis-tic

today is the weirdest day in news in so long: the sri lankan tamil general aint dead, the california supreme court is all wonky, mike tyson's baby died, a canadian guy ate a seal hearts, they finished the mouse genome (THE WHOLE THING)

putting all this together makes our world seem so weird, plus how weird is the tmz-news? understatement has never been used better


last night i relived the deadliest experience of my life and then woke up

ust fown that guy shockeringloomtown!'s blog (that guidedbyvoices song) and it makes me miss punk music, that guy is so nostalgic he reminds me of my dad --sorry if you're that guy i dont mean nothing bad bout neither mdad nor the guy just the emphaticnostalgia

whatis hislefthand upto

how fucking good is jg ballard? super legit is more like it

the basketball season is coming to a end and kinda glad that i'll be able to relate to people again, because only weirdoes (dear-woes) love dwight howard and ray allen and anderson varejao . that's prollythe worst part about the tom-deal, not getting to talk about sports and man stuff like that (read: sadface); fuck im still whining about that but who aint

why would anyone want to confront a grotesque animal? ew yelch, but i guess i would. okayokay, yeah: a/ anomalous species == = == super fascinating, ask people who like dinosaurs and lichen and vampires; b/ it's cool to like things other people dont for some reason that's only true when you also communicate that what other people like is <<> (IF PEOPLEmyfriendsspecifically MADEMORE ART BASED ON CONFINING, LIMITING DIMENSIONS [I E SOMETHING VERY HORIZONTAL] I WOULD PUT IT HERE*) * * * S T A R * * * * * * M A N * * * on the above apostrophe, refer to something like the drone song on that illinoise sufjan stevens album, or the entiresong crepesculo sul mare for a longer(in duration, not definitely length) obra i can't afford for things to keep crazying on me, i'm going to be crazy if it happens too fast, i need time to interpret and get it back out apparently prom is happening this weekend, it makes me think of dancing, which is a great thing to me on account of its form plus idea (thanks plato! first shoutout): neitzche says 'i only believe in a god that knows how to dance' and then mr miyagi's affirmation 'never trust a spiritual guide who cannot dance' miyagi <--> nietzsche (pronounced like tallahasee)

the other day i talked about communication-in-the-modernera-of-instantaneity-and-the-proliferated-internet to young furly danny poceta, i think he dug it; he's mass diggable ten points danny poceta i wonder how we'll turn out he and i and her and us. not good probably 'internet silence'

pd. is there a better way to link (better) music